Earl, K1ERL submits this for our page:
I live in
Belen NM about 30 mis. South of ABQ, with my wife who is not a ham but
does not begrudge the hobby.
My shack is sparse. I have a 746 Pro
feeding a terminated folded dipole, with the apex about 24ft. VHF/UHF is
an IC 2720, one in the shack and one mobile. I'm on at various times. I
do try to get into the 7290 traffic net when possible.
Oh, yeah, my call is K1ERL. We moved from Massachusetts three years ago.
been a Civil Air Patrol member for 52 years, and spent much of that
time in their communications system. My current assignment is NM Wing
(State) Transportation Officer. They didn't have any openings in comm
when I moved here. CAP comms have evolved over the last several years
into narrow band. So, there's no ham equipment capable of operating on
their freqs any more.
I've been a ham since 1993, going from tech to tech plus to general in 2002.
I'm a retired truck driver.
that's enough about me. Hope to QSO some members in the future. I don't
have too many good pictures of myself, even though one of my other
hobbies is photography.
Earl Shepard