7195 Operator Pages


 Fred is now Silent Key. He will be missed. I will keep this posting as it is, for awhile.

Fred, W5VKN, is located in Amarillo Tx, and is one of the originals on 7.195

He operates from a retirement center and has a dipole up about 50 feet.

(click on the pictures to enlarge them)

The front view of Fred's highrise home.

The Cobra Dipole restored after the guy rope broke and put Fred off the air.

Fred at the controls

Click the play button to see this short video

Fred's main operating position.

Nicely arranged wall.

Here is the gathering at Carls (KC5RWN) QTH in 2005 for CB's bithday.
(Fred has this picture on the wall at his QTH)

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