7195 Operator Pages


Hal, WG7Z, Lives in Tempe AZ:

From QRZ:
"Thanks for stopping by Hal's Radio Shack! In the Shack our #1 rig is a Kenwood TS-940 with my first love as back up, an ICOM IC-745; I use a LDG AT-1000 tuner feeding a Ameritron AL-811 amp. 
On the "Antenna Farm" out back we have a Cushcraft A3S, w/40M add on at 35', An HF6V Butternut vertical, separate CCD dipoles for 80M, 40M, 20M,and 17m.  A 2M ground plane for my YAESU FT-1802.
My #1 spot is 40M, 7.195 MHZ. This was W5FLA, "C.B." Smith's hangout. C.B. became a SK on 7/21/08 at 92 yrs. of age, 70+ yrs. as a HAM. We're on mid-mornings and afternoons calling all the regulars and new comers around the campfire, as C.B. used to say.Just a real friendly bunch, come by anytime and feel free to start w/o me!
Evenings are spent on 80M, 3.913 MHZ, another great group of HAM's,and on Wed's on 40m,7.188 @ 04:00z,The Pau Hana net from Maui,Hi.
I enjoy DX'ing on 20M, rag chewing with HAMS in the South Pacific, checking into the Ohana Net, daily @ 18:00 z, 14.268 MHZ, and Sunlife Net 14.329 MHZ, M-W-F @19:30z.
Member: Central Arizona DX Assoc., SunLife ARC, Arizona Repeater Assoc. ,and the ARRL.
My four legged friend to my right is "Charlie" a red-tri Australian shepherd. His unofficial call is K9AUS & he gets better signal reports than me!"