7195 Operator Pages


W5KCM, Randy, lives in Arlington Tx.

(Click on the pictures for a larger view)

This is his QRZ info:

"Hello and thanks for looking me up here on QRZ.com. I have seen some others put their biography on here so I thought I would go ahead and write a few lines. I live here in the Fort Worth, Texas area (EM12) with my XYL Jeannie, K5KCM and our two daughters, Johanna and Rachael(KE5OXY). If you look at the photo above you can see my "Vintage" Ham station. This is my Johnson Viking Ranger Transmitter and the Hammarlund HQ-170 Receiver, both are late 1950's vintage.
My wife (XYL) Jeannie built the shelves and cabinets. She is very skilled with working with wood. She also does ceramic tile and it looks like a work of art.

Licensed since 1973 with previous calls, WN5KCM and WB5KCM, I am active on the HF bands mostly on PSK31 on 20 and 40 meters, also enjoy 6 meters when the band is open. If your in the DFW area you can try me on 146.460 simplex.  I worked for many years in the Marine Electronics industry. We used to live in Pasadena, Texas where I worked along the gulf coast on commercial ships. I hold the FCC commercial radiotelegraph license with radar endorsement. GMDSS maintainer license and the General Radiotelephone Operator License and the Amateur Extra class. Here in Fort Worth, I work for a school district as an electronics technician. I mainly work on the buildings energy management controls for the air conditioning and heating. I have posted many Ham Radio related photos on my Yahoo Flickr site. You can see photos of the Ranger and HQ170 being restored. Also, check out my old Heathkit AT-1 novice transmitter that I restored.

73. Randy, W5KCM"

Note from N5RNY: Check out Randy's photos on that last link. Several pages of good ham radio pictures!