7195 Operator Pages


Welcome to the 7195 Group.

This site is for the radio operators on 7.195 mhz, in the  40 meter ham band. It is similar in some ways to the yearbook you had in highschool. You can browse through the profiles and even leave a QSL/RST report. Because of the nature of casual ragchews and checkins, this website can never be a complete list. It is a work in progress...and I need people to send me info about the operators on 7195, since I can't monitor the frequency 24/7.  Thanks!

Contact Info:

Please use the email address below to send your digital pictures to me. Don't worry about resizing them, I can do that on this end. If you have pictures and other information on QRZ.com and you want me to use that, just let me know.

k5tue (at) fmguy.com 

(Allow up to a week or so for submissions to appear on the website...and please don't add this email address to ANY list, I prefer not to receive email warnings, jokes or spam. This email address is for updates to the website ONLY. When you use the above address you will need to manually delete the parentheses and insert the @ symbol. This is done to help reduce spam.)

If you have pictures, lists of callsigns for this page, or any other resource, please pass them along!


On each operators page, you will find a QSL/RST report. Feel free to click those that apply! And if you have a personal webpage, and want to include a link to this website, use this URL:


Thanks and best 73!

  • Legal:

I reserve the right to edit submissions for content and clarity. You retain all rights to your submitted content, but by submitting pictures and text,
you are giving permission for me to post that content on this site.
If at any time you wish changes made or deletions, please send me email and I will attend to it asap. Thanks for all the input guys and gals!