7195 Operator Pages


N5BG, Larry has a fine signal from Virden NM.

 After 50 plus years in ham radio, I decided to try for a 1 x 2 vanity call. Now I am trying to get used to it. Look for me on the air. First licensed in March 1957 with KN6YLQ, later dropping the N and became K6YLQ in San Diego, CA. Guess I fit the OLD GEEZER category now. Spent some time in Hawaii as KH6FBF in the 1960's. 

While working for Pacific Missile Range, I was assigned to Midway Island and operated KM6BI for over a year. Ran multitudes of phone patches for the Navy guys. A great location for working the world. Returned to California in 1965 and operated communications aboard various missile tracking ships out of Port Hueneme, CA. Moved to Tucson, AZ in 1978 and changed call to W7MCO.

 Enjoy mostly VHF/UHF repeater linking systems. Recently I have been more active on the HF bands, having worked the VP6DX Ducie Island DX Pedition on several bands.  It was fun working my good neighbor friend N5IA while he was at Ducie. We do several contests from this QTH. NA5NM and NI5Tcontest stations has been utilized for some 160 meter contests, along with N7GP previously. Look forward to working you all. And yes I am happy to QSL for Hidalgo County.  See QSL image above.  73 for now Larry

How is N5IA? Haven't talked to him in years....de N5RNY